The original thoughts were that we'd wait until Lucas was 6 months old to start solids, because that's what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends, but Lucas seemed ready so we started yesterday. When I say he seemed ready, he has been staring at our food as we take it from our plate to our mouth (kind of like Tyson does), he has good head control, and he is nursing a lot more frequently (especially at night!). It wasn't as big of a deal as I made it out to be. We only gave him 1 tblsp of cereal mixed with 3 tblsp of milk. At most it was 20 calories, so it was definitely more to introduce him to food and the spoon than to fill up his belly. He did seem to like it though. He was reaching for more at the beginning, but by the time we got to the last few bites he was turning his head to tell us he was finished. It's great how they can communicate so well at such a young age. We'll do this for a few days and then try fruits and messy face pictures will be coming soon.
First bite

"Hey Dad"

More interested in the spoon...
Make sure you introduce veggies first so that he won't just want the sweet taste! Good Luck!! JEN :)
SO Cute!! Congratualtions Lucas...enjoy your food
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