Thursday, August 24, 2006

Not quite ready....

The big thing with Lucas and the other play group babies right now is starting solid foods. They say you can start anywhere between 4 and 7 months. The experts are SO vague about when to start and then what to feed them and in what order to feed them. I did read one thing that makes sense - that you should pay attention to your baby and feed them solids when you think they are ready. We've been noticing that Lucas is really interested in our food. We sit him in the Bumbo Seat on the table while we eat all of our meals, and lately he just stares at our food and follows the fork with his eyes. To see what he would do, we have given him a tiny piece of banana and potatoes. Both times he reacted by pushing the food out with his tongue, which is a reflex they need to not have when they start we'll wait a bit longer.

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1 comment:

Brittain... said...

It took mine about a week to learn how to deal with food in their mouth. So keep trying!