Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lucas's Weekend Adventures

Lucas had a busy weekend. On Friday he went to dinner with his two buddies, Charles and Christopher (Charles is 2wks older than Lucas and Christopher 2wks younger). On Saturday he went to Charles's house for dinner. We took his pj's and put him to bed on Mark and Wendy's bed. He woke up 1/2 an hour later, but we got him back to sleep and we were able to stay out until 11:30 - yippee!

Today Lucas took a bath in his Bumbo chair. I wasn't sure about this seat at first because he sometimes leans forward so that his nose touches his toes, but he loves to sit up so much that I find I use it more than any other seat. Turns out it works well for baths too. (thanks Nancy!)

Another adventure was going to the grocery store. Lucas enjoys being in the front carrier during shopping trips. Today he talked really loudly and made his new sound (blowing out of mouth) during the whole trip. Anyway, here are some pics...
Christopher, Charles and Lucas
Charles and Lucas in their PJs
"Come on Mom, where are the bubbles?!"

1 comment:

Meg Boyd said...

That is so much fun!!!! I am glad you were able to have a fun night out...even with the little guy.