Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Setting Records

Lucas is ambitious to be so young. He is trying to set a record for "the most times a baby has ever gotten up in the middle of the night". Last night, for the fourth night in a row, he got up 9 times after being put down to sleep at 8pm --> 8:15, 10:15, 11:45, 1:15, 2:30, 3:45, 4:20, 5:05, and 6:00. (To qualify as a "wake up" Lucas has to wait until his mommy is snuggly tucked back into bed and just drifting off to sleep before calling her back into his room).

I knew I shouldn't have told anyone about how well he was sleeping a few weeks ago. He has never "slept through the night", but I was happy with him only getting up every 4 hours to quickly eat and go back to sleep. This has to be some sort of growth spurt or something else out of the ordinary. Of the 9 times that he woke up last night, he was only hungry 3 of the times. The other times I just turned him over or patted him on the back. He hasn't been in his crib for that long, so that probably has something to do with it. I would just bring him into bed with us, but I haven't been sleeping well that way either. He tosses and turns and I sleep in awkward positions to keep from waking him up. Here is a picture of the little turkey this morning...


Anonymous said...

4 and a half months right?? Lily pulled that same trick on us - 10 times one night. It will get better... Until then, I wish you good naps! Good luck!

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

Kelly, really? I meant to go back and look at when you entered that on your blog. Did starting solids help? Thankfully the naps are still going well! Shanna

Brittain... said...

Dare I say it...I can't hold it in any longer... Let that baby cry!! It works, I promise and the sooner the better!

Kelly said...

Shanna, yes, that's when we started solids. About a week later she was mostly back to her old pattern. I think it worked, but maybe she would have outgrown it on her own. The other thing that we did is stopped getting up with her at night unless she is all out CRYING (not just "talking" or fussing), so that she could start to learn how to put herself back to sleep. It took a few nights, but most times she can now :)
Good luck!

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

We've never let him cry, or even really fuss intentionally, but he has gotten mad before and nearly choked on his spit, so I can just see him doing this if we let him cry. I've never let him fuss because I just assume it will lead to crying. Maybe that's a first step. Thanks BB and Kelly.

Brittain... said...

There are ways to let him cry and still check on him and soothe him. You just spread it out, going in his room at intervals that are further and further apart. If he can learn to put himself to sleep, your life will be so much easier, but you have to teach him. It's hard but it only took mine a few nights and they were sleeping through the night! Good Luck!

Meg Boyd said...

Things will get better...babies have to figure out their own schedule. I was thinking you may want to try some rice cereal. HE probably willt ake a few days to get it into his mouth and actually swallow it.

Frances Katrin said...

Sounds like pre-teething to me. "pre" meaning that the teething begins a lot earlier than when we acutally see those guys popping in. We've never let Katrin "cry it out." I just don't want her to stop calling for me if she needs me. And since she can't talk, I have to assume to needs me for something. My solution for fussy nights (which still happen sometimes at 16 months) is to nurse her all night long in bed with me. Keeps her "ups" as short as a blink and keeps me sleeping, enough to go to work.