Friday, January 26, 2007

Baby Einstein

Thank goodness for Baby Einstein DVDs. Last night the only way we could get Lucas to relax enough to rest was for me to hold him on the couch while he watched the Baby Einstein, Baby Mozart DVD. He could watch it all day. This video has a lot of puppets in it. Lucas LOVES this little green lizard that they show a couple of times. He will be playing and not really paying attention to the video, but when it's time for this puppet to be shown he'll stop what he's doing and watch the t.v. with anticipation and then when the puppet comes up he gets the happiest, silliest smile on his face. The funny thing is that he does it every time as if it's the first time that he's seen it. Another funny thing is that the first day I noticed that he loved this puppet I thought that I had to try and order this puppet for him. I figured it would be about $20 + $5 shipping, which was a lot for a puppet, but I didn't care because he loved it so much. Later that day we were in Target and I saw that puppet there!! I was so excited, and it was only $4.99. I immediately took it off the rack and showed it to Lucas. Of course he paid absolutely no attention to it. It's not as cool when mommy does it. Oh well, saved some money on that one.

Here is a video of him watching the DVD. It's about 30 seconds long - he laughs at the end after I fast forward to that section.

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