Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ruff, Ruff

We now have 2 barkers in our house. Thank goodness my mom is in town and gives Lucas more credit that we do. When Lucas is in his high chair and Tyson barks to go out, Lucas makes little grunting noises. My mom said he was barking and so we paid attention and he only does that sound after Tyson barks. Here's a not very good video. Listen up when I zoom in towards end of video. It may not sound like a bark, but I promise it is :-)


Anonymous said...

Shanna---it looks to me like he is doing his own sign for dog! What a smartie!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Soon he will have another friend called Gabriela to play with. Yup Yup...Andrea and I are expecting a baby girl due in May.