Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lesson for Today

The blog may look a little different because I upgraded to the new Blogger format. I spent many moments wondering how my friend Kelly got the "About Me" sidebar to be smaller and in a different font. I wasted some time trying to figure it out. At the same time, every time I logged onto the blog I'd get the option to upgrade, but there was a warning that any HTML changes I'd made in the past would be removed (but saved if I ever wanted them back). I didn't have the nerve to hit that button and risk losing all of my work (this was not a risk, but I'm paranoid). Anyway, I decided to take the plunge and hit the button. Of course this is how Kelly changed the size and font.

So the lesson is to not be afraid to try new things.


Kelly said...

You're so funny! The new format is lots more fun, and easier I think!! :)

Anonymous said...

It looks great!