Monday, April 30, 2007

"I can't breathe!"

I had a dream last night that I couldn't breathe. In the dream I was with some friends and I had on a t-shirt with a sweater on over it. I felt like the shirts were too tight and were constricting my breathing so I was trying to take them off. I don't know if they wouldn't come off or if I got them off and still couldn't breathe, but either way I kept dreaming the same thing over and over again. If you've ever had a dream where you were drinking water and it wasn't quenching your thirst, you can relate to how I felt. My brain finally got a message through for me to wake up and open my eyes and guess what I saw... Lucas Bryant was sleeping across my chest. His little belly was laying on the top of my chest and part of my neck while his little arms and legs hung limp on each side of my body. No wonder I couldn't breathe!

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