Monday, April 23, 2007

Last Swim Class

Little Lucas had his 6th and final swim class for this session on Saturday. He really seemed to love the experience. They sing a song in the class to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus" that uses the words, "The babies in the water go reach and pull, reach and pull....and The babies in the water go kick, kick, kick...". This week on the drive to the pool I started singing that song and Lucas squealed and bounced up and down. When we arrived at the pool he got excited when he and Jeff were walking to get in the water. There are several indoor pools around here that charge just a couple of $ for a drop in swim, so we say we're going to try and take him once a week. Here is a short video of Lucas practicing his relaxation and back floating skills...

1 comment:

Brittain... said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Sounds like Lucas had a great day too! He has gotten so big! Time for another one!!