Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bradley Birthday Party

When we were pregnant we took a birth class that taught a natural childbirth method called The Bradley Method. There were 9 couples in the class. 6 of the 9 babies were born within a few weeks of each other. When Lucas was 3 weeks old we got together with these mommies and babies for the first time. We quickly realized how much we needed to lean on each other and were great about meeting every Wednesday for a "play group". When some of us started to return to work we weren't able to meet as much, but we still get together (with the daddy's too) once a month, and we always have emails going back and forth. I have had many moments of feeling confused, lost and frustrated the past year - I can't imagine how it would have been without these friends. Here are the kiddos eating their cupcakes as we sang Happy Birthday to them...


Jennifer said...

I know that I say it all the time, but everytime I look at a picture of Lucas all I can see is Shanna. Hey Shan, I figured out that Ty looks the most like Lucas when he is wet or when you are looking at his profile. Melissa said that it was in their eyes.

Sarah said...

Hi Shanna. A friend of mine and yours from IBM forwarded your blog to me. Lucas is so cute! I loved looked at his one year old pictures. I have an almost 9 month old and live in the neighborhood too. We should get together sometime. You can check out my blog at!