Monday, May 21, 2007

Tyson Update

I haven't blogged much about Tyson lately. He is such a good boy. I feel bad that I walk past him a lot during the day. I always try to talk to him or include him, but Lucas moves so fast that sometimes I zoom by him without acknowledging him. His special time, however, is at night. He usually cuddles up between Jeff and me and receives lots of hugs, kisses, and back rubbing. He and Lucas are going to be good friends one day. They play now with stuffed animals - Lucas holds onto the animal and Tyson rips it from his hands. When we play this game with Tyson he sprints away in hopes of being chased. When he plays with Lucas he doesn't run away, but instead moves a few feet away and challenges Lucas with his barks to try and get the animal. Tyson must have had a tiring weekend. Here he is snoozing in the corner last night (he needs a haircut).

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