Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Crazy Afternoons

Here is a video of our house one afternoon after work. Lucas usually sleeps until about 4:30, and Sophie has to have quiet time during these few hours. The combination of Lucas waking up, her quiet time ending, and me coming downstairs is very exciting to Sophie. She gets very excited and loud, which usually rubs off on Lucas and Tyson. Luckily they don't act like this all day long! This particular day Lucas woke up a little early, so he was a little crabby and clingy. He usually runs around screaming and diving on the floor, showing off for Sophie.

Kristen and Sophie's last day is next week. We are going to really miss them. It's going to be so quiet without Sophie here. I'm working on setting up play dates for Lucas in the mornings.

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

The expression of Lucas when he was looking up at you from your leg is SO FAMILIAR to me. It almost made me tired to see it.... that's the part of parenting most folks from the outside don't see... the neediness. It is both flattering and somewhat annoying to me at the same time. That sounds harsher than I mean for it to. But do you know what I mean?