Friday, August 10, 2007

Nanny Update

We have found a new nanny. Kristen's last week is next week, and then we go to FLA the next week, so she will start at the end of August. Her name is Kate. We have a great feeling about her. She's right of college and is taking some time off to decide what her next move is going to be (Masters Degree or job). I get the feeling that when she has a baby one day that she will have a similar parenting style as I do (nurse, co-sleep, carry around all day, etc), unlike one of the other ladies that I interviewed who made me feel like a freak because my kid wasn't sleeping through the night yet.

More to come on Kate later. Below are some excerpts from the journal that Kristen keeps for us. We love to read it every evening.

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007
9:00am: Lucas got to take a trip to the Farmer's Market with his mama before work today. He had a banana on the way home.
9:20am: changed diaper; got ready for library.
9:40am: Morning field trip to Cam Village Library for storytime. We got there early today so that Lucas could explore the room a bit. When our friends started to arrive Lucas found a spot and sat down. He was really interested today. He clapped after each activity and signed "more". He really liked Miss Sue's black kitty puppet. During "where is thumpkin" song Lucas was holding up his hands and wiggling his fingers. He loved the circle dance and cried a little when we had to sit back down. Lucas had a really good time and he sat well on my lap too!
10:50am: returned home; played with race car; played in lucas's room - read books and did some puzzles.
12:00pm: lunch - chicken, peas, watermelon
12:30pm: changed diaper; we read the art book again and lucas did the sign and sound for both cat and bird. This was the first time that I saw both of these signs! Yeah Lucas!
1:00pm: Lucas was sleepy and he went right down for his nap for mama today.
3:30pm: Lucas woke up a little early, so he was a little fussy - the normal distractions didn't work today.
4:00pm: changed diaper
4:15: snack - apple slices (4-5) and chedder bunnies

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007
9:00am: watched Baby Einstein Sign Language DVD (Lucas cried when we got here today and this helped to soothe him). Lucas really loves the puppets. He "barked" today when the dogs came on and he signed "cat" again today when he saw the kitty.
9:45am: snack of 3/4 banana and cherrios
10:00am: changed diaper; Lucas was wearing a cloth diaper and it gave him a pretty significant diaper rash over his skin.
10:20am: bath (to help rash); we splashed, played, and washed in the bathtub. I did not put a new diaper on Lucas so his skin could breathe and he peed on the bathroom floor - oops :-)
11:00am: put new (disposable) diaper on; we all played, but Lucas was getting sleepy since he woke up at 5:30am this morning!
11:30am: nap
2:30pm: woke up
2:45pm: ate lunch: guacamole, cantalope, peas... he loved the guac and was so sad when it was all gone.

Thursday, August 9th, 2007
9:00am: snack of bagel and cream cheese
9:20am: free playtime; got ready for storytime
9:45am: storytime at Cameron Village Library. Luca was SO excited today! He clapped his hands and smiled and signed "more". When we played "where is thumpkin" he wiggled his poinger fingers. He wanted me to hold him during the circle dance, but also had fun dancing on his own with a few kids after storytime. On the way home he closed his eyes for a few minutes.
10:45am: home; changed diaper; diaper rash looks much better, but I put some cream on his bottom.
11:00am: playtime: lucas and I were playing blocks - I asked him to "help please" with signs and he signed back to me, "help, please" and picked up a block and added it to the tower. Lucas also signed "thank you" to me for the first time today. It is so neat to actually see his brain developing from day to day!
11:45am: lunch - chicken, ham (1pc), peas, watermelon, and couple of grape bites
12:10pm: all done and ready to run!; we all went into Lucas's room to play some more. We were all having fun until Sophie pulled Lucas's arm. He fell forward and hit his forehead on the wood floor. Needless to say, this left a mark, a bump and a bruise... sorry Lucas!
12:30pm: Lucas was ready for his nap. Mama left the room around 1:00pm.
4:30pm: Lucas is still sleeping!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Good luck with the new nanny!