Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kristen has got to go!

The title of this post is a little deceiving because we love our nanny and are really sad that this is her last week. However, Lucas called her "ma-ma" yesterday!!!! When he sees her packing up to leave in the afternoon he gets upset and reaches for her. Yesterday he threw in a "ma-maaaaa". We think (I hope) it's because he thinks she's going somewhere fun, like the park.

Little Turkey, I am your mama. I'll try to be more fun, like Miss Kristen!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Poor Shanna! I know how it feels because Ty practically leaps from my arms in the mornings to Andria. Just remember that they cannot have too many people to love them. Wouldn't you rather he love Kristen then not trust or love her? I know its still hard though.