Sunday, November 04, 2007

19 Months Old

Our sweet, little, Lucas Bryant turned 19 months old today. I don't think a day goes by that I don't say to Jeff, "Can you believe he can do that?" or "Did you see that?" or "Don't you think he's the coolest thing ever?" or "Don't you think he's the cutest thing ever?". My aunt spent a day with us a few weeks ago and at the end of the day she said that she now knows what I mean when I say how much fun we are having with Lucas. From the moment he opens his eyes each morning he is full of energy, life, love, and happiness. I am learning so much from him. For example, Lucas waves to EVERYONE that he sees. He sticks his little arm out and twists his open palm to the left and right until the person acknowledges him. This sweet innocence comes natural to him - he hasn't yet learned that people aren't that friendly. Until he figures that out, however, much joy is being spread. Every time we go grocery shopping I have someone comment on him. Sometimes it is that he's cute, but more often it's how happy and sweet he is. One lady last week even spent several minutes talking to us and telling me how Lucas made her day when she turned down the isle and saw his face light up as he waved to her. I'm so proud of him. Every single day he does something that amazes me and reminds me how lucky I am to be his mother.

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