Thursday, November 08, 2007

What is going on?

When we moved into our new house on June 30th we started having Lucas sleep in his crib. Until then he had been in and out of our bed - we were constantly trying to create a sleeping environment that worked for our family. We finally got into a groove when we moved into this house. He'd still wake up 2-3 times a night, but I'd go right in there and cuddle with him and nurse him until he fell back asleep. I was finally getting a good night's sleep, despite waking up a few times each night. There were several nights when he only woke up one time. We were thrilled that we were making progress. Something is going on with this kid now, though. He is waking up every 30-60 min and wants to nurse continuously. I don't want him back in our bed, because we don't sleep well that way either, but the past two nights I've tried that just to try and get some sleep (I have to work during the day and can't nap). The night before last he was up and down all night, and then decided to get up for the day at 4:30am. I figured he'd crash before Kate even arrived, but he stayed up until 1pm as happy as could be. Last night he just couldn't sleep unless he was completely touching me. Up at 6:30am. Jeff tried both mornings to entertain him so I could sleep in, but he just screams "ma-maaaa" until he finds me. Is this some kind of super separation anxiety??? My goodness, I hope this passes soon. I'm a much better mother and wife when I'm getting rest.

For my records, this has been going on about a week. Other changes are that he's eating a lot more solid foods (still nursing a lot) and having several dirty diapers a day. Also, he had a low fever on Tuesday morning at 3am. I never took him temp, but it seemed to linger on and off for a day. He had no other symptoms and didn't seem like the fever affected him.


Brittain... said...

Jen and I decided he is using you as the human pacifier!! Good Luck!

Frances Katrin said...

Low grade fever could be teething... right? That also can cause the need to nurse and be held more frequently.

Other than that, I wonder if it is time for a toddler bed that Lucas might enjoy. My mom has one for Katrin at her house. She calls it the "good girl bed" to Katrin and thus Katrin seems to like it more.