Friday, November 16, 2007

Backyard Buddies

Here is little Lucas striking up a conversation with our next door neighbor, Will. He and Tyson love to talk to him and the lady that lives behind us, Alberta. Sometimes Tyson will sit at the back fence and just look at Alberta's house... I guess he's hoping that she'll come out and talk to him. So Tyson prefers Alberta, but Lucas definitely prefers Will... or really any guy. If there is a man and a woman in the room, Lucas always initiates conversation with the man first. He'll take them a book or a toy, or ask them to pick him up. I think it's because he knows that the man will play rough with him... Jeff plays rougher with him than I do and he loves it. Will flips him in the air, Neil lifts him to touch the fan, Mark throws him in the air, etc. Lucas definitely loves adventure and doesn't have much fear. Good thing I'm not a scaredy... I think this is great and we have a lot of fun playing around.
"Mr. Will, are you out there?"
"Hello Mr. Will!"

"So, how's your day going?"

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