Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Crib is Gone!

Thank goodness. We should have put it away a long time ago. The Friday before Thanksgiving, after a few nights with little sleep, I decided that the crib was a jinx and it had to go. I figured that things couldn't get any worse than Lucas waking up every 2-3 hours, and at the very least I'd sleep better when I went to him in the middle of the night.
The first few nights we put the crib mattress on the floor and surrounded it with blankets and pillows. His sleep patterns stayed the same, but at least I wasn't climbing in and out of the crib anymore. A couple of nights ago we moved the twin mattress down to his room and it is wonderful. The mattess is SO comfortable. Last night Lucas slept from 9:30pm-2:30am, which is a long stretch for him. I don't know who likes the new setup more - Lucas or Tyson.
The boys on the crib mattress.

Lucas waving to the camera - showing off his new bed.

Both boys snoozing last night.


Frances Katrin said...

Awesome!!!! 9:30 to 2:30!!! You can make a new life from that! Congratuations on retiring the crib. Maybe you'll never need to see it again, even if the baby bug does bite.


Frances Katrin said...

Awesome!!!! 9:30 to 2:30!!! You can make a new life from that! Congratuations on retiring the crib. Maybe you'll never need to see it again, even if the baby bug does bite.


Jennifer said...

That really does look comfortable!