Monday, June 08, 2009

Crawling, Standing, and Cruising (almost)

The bird is on a roll. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago her head wasn't that sturdy, but now she is full blown crawling from room to room and pulling up on everything. Today she even let go with both hands for a few seconds. When she realized that she was standing on her own, she let go. And this weekend she worked really hard to go from holding on to the rocking chair to holding on to the wall (technically her first cruise on the furniture).
Things are harder in some ways and easier in others with Ellen on the move. I can't sit her down with some toys while I'm cooking dinner anymore and expect her to be there when I return, but I can sit her in the kitchen with some toys and monitor her crawling around the room... which is almost as easy. It's really fun to watch her explore the house. She looks like a little bug moving across the floor. And doesn't she look too darn small to be standing like this?!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, she's "on the move early!" Watch out...the old folks say when this happens, she's moving out of the way for another one!

Jennifer said...

It figures that you would have a kid that would walk by the time they were 9 months old! Ha Ha!!