Monday, June 08, 2009

Grandpa and the Kiddos

We had a fun visit with Jeff's dad last week. I think that Dennis fell in love with Ellen (not hard to do). She was her usual sweet little self and I am sure that made him feel so good. They had a lot of time to bond because I took advantage of him being here and instead of wearing her I handed her off to him as much as I could. And there were two mornings where Jeff and I got to sleep in an extra hour while Grandpa and Ellen hung out on the front porch with the birdies and the wind chime.
He of course was wowed by Lucas, mostly due to how the kid is a bottomless pit of energy. Lucas was in full effect this weekend. We don't know why, but he was super wound up and even threw a couple of tantrums, which is unusual these days. He was fine today so maybe he was just crazy excited to see his Grandpa...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Tyrus has been a bottomless pit of energy lately too! So much so that I find myself saying, "I have no idea what is wrong with him!"