Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Lucas E. and Lucas Buzz

Lucas loves his little friend, Lucas E. (Edward). Last week we went over to his house in the late afternoon and the two boys had such a fun time playing golf, baseball, building forts, playing frisbee and climbing trees. Susie and I actually got to sit and talk for awhile since they entertained themselves so well.
At one point they were "discussing" which Lucas was Big Lucas. Lucas E. is older and was referring to Lucas B. as "little lucas", to which Lucas protested that he was BIG Lucas. So I stepped in and told them that one was Lucas E. and one was Lucas B. My Lucas looked at me funny and so I told him he was Lucas "B", like a bee that says buzzzzzz. He thought about it for a minute and then said "I'm Lucas Buzz!" And since then if you ask him his name he will tell you that it's Lucas Buzz...

1 comment:

Ali said...

too cute!!