Sunday, June 28, 2009

Learning to Swim

Lucas is taking his intense little personality straight to the pool. The first few times he would jump off the side into Jeff's arms, like he did last year. A few visits later he is running full speed off the side and "diving" into the pool until his "feet touch the floor". This is with his life jacket on, but today he jumped into the pool without his jacket, so his confidence is increasing. The other day he saw Charles being pushed to the bottom by Mark to get one of those pool toys, so today he had to do it too. Charles does it without his life jacket, but Lucas wears his, so he pops back up quickly with a huge smile on his face - he is so proud! We're enjoying the summer so far.
Here is the turkey so excited to be going to the pool later...

And here he is enjoying a sno cone...

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