Friday, September 11, 2009

Crowd Pleaser

We joke that Ellen is going to be a politician or a sales lady one day. She makes friends with strangers everywhere that we go! She likes to catch someone's eye and then smile at them with her whole face, open mouth, eyes squinty smile and wave at them! It cracks me up every time. And check out this picture. At the park this week she was playing in the sand by herself one minute, and then the next she was surrounded by three little five year olds and was loving every second of it. They were doting over her and she was eating it up. Look at her face. Little stinker. And this little girl to the right with the dark pink shirt was a riot herself. She was going into my bag and giving Ellen goldfish, picking her up when she thought she needed to be repositioned, and helping her dig. Her dad said she charges $1.25 to babysit... she was definitely a lady in charge. I love to watch their developing personalities. (Meg - she reminded me of Maddie!)


Meg Boyd said...

Ellen is eating it up...she is so cute!!!! Lucas will appreciate it one day ;-). That little girl defintiely sounds like Madison. I hope you guys have a great weekend.

Karen Bodie said...

$1.25- what a deal! LOL

Frances Katrin said...

love that!