Wednesday, May 12, 2010

4yr Wellness Visit

Lucas had his visit with Dr. Wil*s and Nurse Jan*t this week. The little guy is weighing in at 35lbs (4o%) and 40 and 1/4 inches (50%). His iron levels were at 11.5, which is good for his age.

Lucas was very concerned about getting his finger pricked, which hasn't happened since his appt a year ago. I told him that I didn't know if that was going to happen or not, and that we'd ask Janet when we arrived. So when we got into the room that was his first question. When she said, in a very cheery voice, that we'd do a tiny prick, he completely freaked. I was taken by surprise. I wasn't expecting irrational behavior, but that is what it felt like. Janet said it was not uncommon at age 4 because they knew what to expect... and clearly he had been thinking about it for a year. We had to restrain him to get the prick, but the anxiety of the pain was much worse than the actual pain. One minute later he was happy and asking Janet how all of the medical instruments work.

He looked cute in his little gown.

I didn't have any concerns for the doctor, but he was concerned that Lucas doesn't drink milk. We left it that I'd try to encourage him to drink soy milk with meals and that Jeff, Ellen and me would drink it to. It hasn't worked. He sits with a cup of milk throughout the meal and then helps himself to water after dinner. I think he's getting enough calcium from greens, nuts and other sources so I'm not worried about it.

Lucas was sitting quietly on the side of the table, in his little gown with his bare legs hanging over the side. After the doc and I had been talking for about 15 min he said, "quit talkinggggg" with a little smile on his face. The doc then decided to entertain Lucas with a few questions. He asked him to name 3 friends in his class... Ian, Nicholas and Landon. After that he asked about him being a good big brother and what he does to do that. Lucas was still thinking of what he would say and so the doc asked him what he could do to be a BAD big brother. Lucas pondered the question and the said, "Violence." Hmmm, that works.

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