Saturday, May 08, 2010

My Raised Garden Project

So I had this ambitious idea that I wanted a raised garden this year. I'm tired of worrying about whether or not to buy organic... guilt with spending more money or guilt for allowing the chemicals in our bodies. However, I've recently read that the organic "movement" is more to benefit the farmers and not as much the average consumer... supposedly the amount of chemicals it too small to harm us, especially if you are good about washing them before you eat them. Anyway, I fantasize about eating homegrown veggies all summer, straight from our backyard. We finally got the raised bed built, which wasn't hard, but Jeff was building a fence at the same time. I spent the first weekend turning the dirt that was in the bed, about 6 inches deep. Now I just need to get some soil, mulch, etc from the city. So I guess I'll have a summer/fall garden at this point. Or maybe a 2011 garden when it's all said and done. In the meantime, we are making the most out of this spot in our yard...

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