Saturday, May 08, 2010


I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Jo*l Fuhrman speak last week. He's the author the book, E*t to Live, which I read in January of 2009. We pretty much gave up dairy after reading this book, so have been about 90% dairy free for over a year. We have no dairy in our house, but will eat pizza with cow's milk cheese if we go out to dinner. Jeff and I both can see a difference in the clarity of our skin, and I have maintained a weight of 10lbs less than I have ever weighed before. The next step that I'm trying to implement is to ween ourselves from meat and consume a mostly fruit, veggie, bean, nut and seed diet. The spring is a great time to start this since there are so many good, fresh foods available. After hearing Dr. Fuhr*man speak and being reminded of how you can consume more fruits and veggies if you put them through a juicer or blender, we pulled out our juicer and have been making delicious juices every morning. Ellen will totally drink them, and Lucas will at least try them. I think he thinks they taste good, but look a little too healthy : ) He's a great juice maker though... he puts the veggies through for us almost every time.

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