Friday, July 09, 2010

Dan's Wedding

Our great friend, Dan, got married in Charlotte recently. Jeff and I took advantage and made it a mini-vacation weekend. My mom drove up from Florida and kept the kids for the night. Instead of crashing at a friend's house, we got a hotel room where the rest of the wedding folks were staying. The wedding was beautiful, Dan and Sarah were as cute as could be, and we stayed out at a bar until 1am for the first time in years (and years). We need to find a way to do that more often. It was a much needed relaxing time.
The kids did great for my mom. Lucas had a bit of an attitude when she wouldn't let him watch more than one movie (per my instructions). And Ellen cried for about 15 min before falling asleep, but other than that it wasn't bad for her. It was our first time away from Ellen for the night and only our third time away from Lucas.

Mike and Sam

Johnny and Erin

Post dinner celebrations...

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