Thursday, July 15, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect

Lucas has taken a special interest in coloring and drawing lately. At dinner two nights ago he got really frustrated because he colored a TINY bit outside of the lines. Jeff took the time to teach him how to hold the pencil so that it would give him more control and explained that he's just learning to color and that he needs to practice. The next day, after several coloring sessions throughout the day, he called me over to show me how HE COULD DO IT! He said, "This is so great, I can do it!" as he pumped his arm like Tiger Woods. I don't think I've ever seen him more proud of himself!

Such a serious face...

1 comment:

- Holly said...

I knew Lucas was very different from Katie when we came over and painted that bird house last year. Lucas was very particular and careful that it turned out how he liked it. Katie just glopped tons of paint all over any which way until she was bored of painting. It's so strange how little kids can be so inherently different. I hope Lucas doesn't mind Katie's careless ways and will still go to Prom with her!