Thursday, July 29, 2010

Something in a name?

Yesterday we had two of Lucas's friends over to play with us in the afternoon. Landon is from his preschool and was one of Lucas's best buds this past year. And Lucas E. has been our friend for a few years. When Susie asked if Lucas could come over while she packed I thought it would be a good idea since all three boys are outgoing and lively... I figured they'd get along well. And they did get along fine... it took a few minutes to work out some the kinks of having three, which always seems harder than two, but it was fine. What I noticed when they were all together, however, is how much they look alike. Mostly the long hair. But they also played swords, wrestled and played tag like crazy boys all afternoon. I just think it's interesting that they have similar personalities and all three have names that start with "L" and two of them have the same name. Hmmm....

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Can you imagine having triplet boys? They do look alike!