Saturday, July 10, 2010

Farewell Party

I don't think it's hit me that one of my best friends is moving this week! Or maybe I'm not upset because I know that our friendship is strong enough to last, no matter the distance. The only emotion I am feeling so far is joy and excitement for Mark and Wendy as they head to Atlanta for this new chapter in their lives. It helps that we still have ties in Atlanta, so I know we'll see them at least a few times a year between us going there and them coming back here to visit their family.
Kim threw a party for them today, with all of their closest friends in Raleigh...
Nabors, Rays, Edlins, Mclaughlins, Schroeders and Rollmans

Pierson, Scott, Karis, Christopher, Julia, Kayleigh, Caroline, Ellen, Sophie, Lucas, Blane and Charles

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