Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First project of the year...

Ms. Mary Lynn sent home this little cut-out of a boy, which kind of looked like a gingerbread man with no facial features. Lucas's assignment was to decorate it with things that he liked. She said last year one of the kids liked goldfish, so they glued a goldfish to his shirt. So Lucas and I started by drawing a look-a-like an a piece of white paper and making a rough draft of our guy. He said he wanted his shirt to be blue, his pants brown, his shoes black and he wanted him to be eating broccoli because he likes broccoli, wearing a spiderman shirt and playing with the water hose. Oh, and he wanted him to have a red lollipop and blue piece of bubble gum in his pocket.
So we sat down to work on the actual guy yesterday. Lucas drew the eyes, nose and mouth, he colored the shirt and shoes and helped to paint and color the other props. Daddy came in at the end and added the hair and eyebrows :)
Here's how it turned out. We didn't realize until we were nearly done that Lucas was wearing his blue spiderman shirt and this little guy really did look a lot like him!

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