Thursday, September 09, 2010


This morning at 4:30am Tyson barked, waking Jeff and me up. It was great that we were still alone in our bed this late into the morning, but we were bummed that Tyson had to ruin it. Tyson had been in Lucas's room all night, but was barking at the top of the stairs because he wanted to go into Ellen's room to sleep. So Jeff let him in there and then went to check on Lucas, wondering why Tyson wanted to leave his room. A few minutes later Jeff came downstairs and said he couldn't find Lucas! Of course I panicked and we both ran to the front door to make sure it was locked and then went to check that he wasn't curled up in his bed under the covers or something. No Lucas. The only logical explanation was that he was in Ellen's room, but Jeff had already checked there and only saw one body. We peeked in again anyway and saw not one body, but three. Tyson, Lucas and Ellen : ) Jeff didn't see him because he was curled up so close to Ellen that it looked like one little blob in the dark room. It was one of my proudest moments as their mom - those sweet little guys love each other so much. So Jeff and I finished out the night alone in our room while all three of our babies snuggled upstairs. We're hoping for a repeat performance tonight, minus the Tyson barking part!

A few hours later: I forgot to mention that the new going-to-bed arrangement at our house (as of a few days ago) is that we all say good night after brushing teeth and then I take Ellen to her room and Jeff takes Lucas. I nurse Ellen to sleep and Jeff reads Lucas a book or two and then tucks him in. NOW what happens is that after Jeff leaves and goes downstairs, Lucas tiptoes across the hall to Ellen's room and asks if he can sleep with Ellen and me... so I wrap my arms around them both and then sneak out when they are asleep. THEN a few min later Jeff moves Lucas back to his room. Complicated, I know.

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

Tyson was barking so you could come and see them together snuggling!