Friday, December 16, 2005

Blog slacker

Sorry I slacked on my blogging duties last week. It's been pretty hectic around here with work, attic activities, and, my favorite pasttime, Christmas shopping. But I really can't use Christmas shopping as an excuse cause I haven't started. I usually like to wait until the 22nd or 23rd and then hit the malls hard with no specific idea what I'm looking for. Now that is fun. Actually, that was last year. I'm pretty much done this year.

We're going to a couple of Christmas parties this weekend, one of which has a beer and chilli theme. This is a great idea that ensures no one will (can) linger around more than a two or three hours. Also on tap for this weekend, more painting. Hopefully, it will be as fun as last weekend. Note to those concerned: Shanna won't be getting near the paint this time, and if Baby Schrades is born with serious malformations due to minor exposure to latex paint fumes, I'll take the blame. However, I really don't see that happening.

That's about all I have for now. We are heading down to the ATL on Thursday morning for the weekend. Just in case I slack off again next Friday, have a great Christmas. And finally, from an episode of the Daily Show that made me laugh out loud:

"It's nice to see the president
estimating casualties with
the same inflection you use
to guess how many jelly beans
are in a jar."

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