We have finally gotten into a groove over the past couple of weeks and life with a baby is getting easier and more "normal". Lucas gives us so much positive feedback with his cute little grins and giggles, and he's starting to cuddle with us and give kisses. He'll now relax enough to let me rock him and read to him and will lay on my chest when he gets sleepy.
Crawling is huge. Lucas has to be near me every second of the day, but now instead of carrying him I just tell him to follow me and he crawls from room to room. His poor knees though..they both have bruises on them! Jeff said he is sure that it's normal.
Speaking of bruises, there are also a couple on our poor baby's head. He quickly learned how to pull up on just about everything in the house, and usually he doesn't fall, but when he does it seems that it's always on the hardwood floors. I'm just waiting for the day when I look over to see him hanging from something. Last night he was pulling up on the stand we have next to the t.v. and was on his tip-toes reaching as high as he could. I know if he had had something to grab onto his feet would have left the floor. It's amazing how many dangerous spots we have in our house - we have to keep an eye on him.
Here are a few pics of our little 8 month old during bath time tonight...
Still only two teeth....

I like to let him crawl around naked after bath time for a few minutes (we have a heater in his room)...
His changing table is his favorite thing to pull up on. He pulls out each basket and dumps out the contents...

Just a cute picture of "our first baby" :-)

Those two teeth are the same ones that Ty has! How cool!
I remember thinking mine couldn't get any cuter at that age, but they do! You will find yourself baby proofing everything for the next couple of years...
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