Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Fun with Charles
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Park with Lucas Edward
Pics with Mama and Dada
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I thought it would be the end of the world if he got sick this season. Sometimes I feel like that next straw will definitely break the camel's back, but it was actually a wonderful day. Lucas and I got to spend all day snuggling. I was able to be there for him and he reminded me of how great it feels to slow down and rest. I'm so glad that I was able to spend so much time with him. I know my days of him spending so much time in my arms are numbered!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Lily!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentine's Day Heart Breaker
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Does T.V. promote good sleep?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Good while it lasted...
Sunday Night
After dinner the boys took a bubble bath and then ran up and down the hallway for an hour. Max would run and Lucas would chase him, and then Lucas would run and Max would chase him. Max got sneaky about halfway through the game and started hiding in a room off of the hallway, so when Lucas got to the end of the hall and turned around he would put his hands in the air and say "Hmmm?" (where's max?).
Lucas loved the "spee-man" pjs that they let him borrow.
Sunday Day
After breakfast we dropped Jeff off at home (we think he has a stress fracture in his foot) and went to a nearby park that is just a park - no playground. It was so much fun! Tyson was able to go too, which I love. We spent an hour and a half walking around, throwing rocks in the creek, collecting sticks, watching the trees blow, and just being silly. I didn't think it was going to go so well because 10 min after we got there Lucas fell in the creek! Luckily I had some clothes that I was planning to take to the Goodwill in my car, so we didn't have to go all the way home.
Saturday Night
Lucas Bryant had just as much fun with Lucas Edward as he did with Max and Ben on Friday night. The boys ate at the table with us, but of course finished a lot sooner. Luckily our house is designed so that we could sit at the table and keep and eye on them running back and forth between the family room and kitchen.
After dinner we gathered in the family room and the boys took turns jumping off of the ottoman onto the bean bag chair. Lucas Bryant is sure to be a gymnast at some point in his life. After that they found the stash of bananas and both enjoyed a healthy treat.
Friday Night
Lucas seems to have moved past the parallel play stage and now enjoys interacting with his friends. He is especially fond of Max, who is 4 1/2 years old. Lucas blatantly copies his actions - it is so cute. Max is such a sweet boy - he gets down to Lucas's level when he talks to him and helps him do things, like pick out an ice cream flavor.
As you can see, Lucas enjoyed his chocolate ice cream!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Gummy Bears
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
What Lucas is calling us now...
- He calls Jeff "Dada" and "Daddy", which sounds like "DAH-de". We usually hear them back to back --> "Dada, Daddy, Dada, Daddy"
- He calls me "Mama" and "Mommy", which sounds like "MAH-me". We usually hear them back to back --> "Mama, Mommy, Mama, Mommy"
- Sometimes when one of us walks in the room he will smile at us and say "ma-muhhh" or "da-deeee" with a big grin.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Feels Like Summer in Raleigh
We like to call him by his first two names, Lucas Edward and they call my Lucas by his - Lucas Bryant.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Lucas’s Routine During the Week
I just printed this off for myself, so thought I'd add it to the blog. Just an idea of what Lucas does all day. It's not the exact same each day, but it seems most normal days kind of happen like this...
7:00am - wake up/play with dada/change diaper
7:30am - eat breakfast
8:00am - nurse and cuddle when mama gets home from gym
8:30am - get dressed
9:00am - mama goes upstairs/lucas and kate play
10:00am - snack
10:15am - play
12:00pm - lunch
12:30pm - mama/dada come down – lucas’s cuddles/nurses/plays
1:00pm - nap
4:00pm - wake up/nurse/change diaper
4:30pm - afternoon outing/play
6:00pm - lucas dinner
6:30pm - bath
7:00pm - get dressed in room/play/dinner with mama/dada
7:30pm - play in family room in play area
8:00pm - upstairs play (dada's tools)
8:30pm - read books in mama/dada’s room
9:00pm - turn on noise maker with dada/nurse/bedtime
Sunday, February 03, 2008
All or Nothing
To help us with our new challenge, we decided to get out of the house this morning and have breakfast at our favorite little coffee shop (well, my favorite - Jeff hates coffee). After that we played at home for a little bit and then went to a high school that is close by and ran around their track. Part of Jeff's training is to know his time for a mile and a 1/2, so we took turns doing this and then ran some 400s (1 lap around) to see what our time was for those. Lucas had a blast playing on the bleachers and throwing around some tennis balls. The weather is 60 degrees today, so we picked a great day to start our new rule of no t.v. He's napping now, but when he wakes up I think we'll try and stay outside until dinner time...
Pics from Sunday
Mini Word Explosion
I may see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Just in the past few days Lucas has started saying many more words. For a while now he has tried to repeat a word if we ask him to, but this week he has started copying us without being prompted. For example, I was yelling for Tyson by his nickname, shih-tzu, and Lucas started yelling "she-zoo" as loud as he could. Then yesterday he got stuck in some bushes and he kept repeating "stuck, stuck" after I told him he was going to get stuck. Jeff and I have to watch our mouths now!
Two other cute things he is saying are "this" and "too". Last night we were asking him what he wanted for dinner and he pulled a frozen pizza out of the freezer, handed it to us, and said "dis, dis". And if he wants us to do something with him he will point to where he wants us and say "too" - like "mama do it too".
Something else interesting to note as that he will try and repeat any word that I ask him too, but when I ask him to repeat one of the words that he signs he does the sign and won't say it. He did finally start saying "help" this week, which is huge since he always wants us to help him do one thing or another.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Oh no, here we go...

Lucas and His Long Good-Bye
Lucas, I hope you always stay this sweet! We can't get enough of your hugs and kisses and pats on the back...