Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good while it lasted...

"The Kid", as Jeff and I call him after a night of little sleep, is waking up twice a night again! I don't remember the specific dates, but it seemed like after Sandy helped us wean him from night nursing over Christmas that it took him a couple of weeks to sleep through the night. Then he slept through the night for about a month straight. After that he started waking up about once a week, then once every other night, then once every night and the past two nights have been twice a night! We don't know why he is waking and we don't plan to do anything differently... but we're really hoping that it stops soon! Last night I slept from 9:30-12:30 and then was tossing or awake until 5:30. Jeff wasn't much better... it's just too hard to sleep when you know you are going to be woken up again in just a few hours. Come on Lucas, pleeeeeeeeeease!

1 comment:

Brittain... said...

Maybe he is getting molars?