Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunday Night

We figured we'd end our social weekend with a bang, so on Sunday night we went to Mike, Jill and the boy's house for pizza and salad. Lucas ate two pieces of pizza, which didn't surprise me because he always eats a lot around other kids. You can see below how he's eating it just like the rest of us.

After dinner the boys took a bubble bath and then ran up and down the hallway for an hour. Max would run and Lucas would chase him, and then Lucas would run and Max would chase him. Max got sneaky about halfway through the game and started hiding in a room off of the hallway, so when Lucas got to the end of the hall and turned around he would put his hands in the air and say "Hmmm?" (where's max?).

Lucas loved the "spee-man" pjs that they let him borrow.

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