Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Brother Update

All in all, I think LB is handling the transition to being a big brother pretty well. There were a few rough, tantrum-y days during the third week, but not many since then. The two most challenging things are that he's waking up again one time a night and he doesn't know his own strength around Ellen. He plays with her like she is a 4 year old! I feel like we are constantly saying, "be gentle, not so rough, that's too rough, she's smaller than you, etc." But the important thing is that he completely adores her. He will run past me to see her first, is always asking about her and has a sparkle in his eye when he's talking to her. I think he's really going to enjoy her when she starts giving him some feedback.
Here are some pics of the goofball...
Being silly in the baby carrier with mommy...

Is that Baby Lucas or Baby Ellen?

I was nursing EC the other day and knew that LB was playing in the nursery, but didn't know what he was doing. It turns out that his "project" was to take everything that could possibly be moved and put it in the center of the room. This included the fan, rocking horse, and every.single.thing from her drawers!

1 comment:

Brittain... said...

So cute! The last picture is how I find my kids room anytime I walk away!!