Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our bed or Ellen's crib?

Months ago I decided that the baby would sleep in her crib from day one and that we would put the crib in our room for the first few months. I didn't think I could handle another 2+ years without good sleep and figured I'd have to have sleep this time since there would be two kids. That plan changed when I started decorating her nursery because the nursery wouldn't have been complete without the cute crib. We decided to get a Moses Basket and put the baby in the basket beside our bed for the first few months. That plan changed on Ellen's first night home when I couldn't help but cuddle up with that sweet angel. So the first few weeks were spent just trying to heal and get as much rest as possible. Ellen slept in her swing, bouncy seat, basket, but mostly in our arms. After our company left and we were in some sort of routine again I started trying to put her in her crib at night. She is so easy going that I figured I'd let her sleep there is she wanted to and not force her to sleep in my bed. I made myself a cot in her room and we spent a week trying out the crib at night. I realized that I was afraid of the crib (since Lucas never slept in one) and kept bringing different seats into her room. I figured at least she was sleeping in her room, even if it wasn't in the crib. Half of this time she'd end up on the floor with me sometime during the night. Then one evening about a week ago I realized how quickly she falls asleep when I have her in the sling. She is really snug in the sling, so I thought I'd try to swaddle her to see if it had the same effect... and it did! The first night that I swaddled her she slept for 3 hours in her crib and then woke up every two hours after that. After about a week of this she's sleeping for about 4 hours during the first stretch (8pm-12am) and then still wakes about every two to three hours after that (usually around 3am and 5am). When she wakes up at 5am I bring her to bed with us for the next few hours.
I'd love for her to sleep with us all night, but I'm co-sleeping impaired... I just can't do it and get good rest. Maybe when they are older and not nursing or making so many noises... I hope so. I still say that there is nothing sweeter than waking up next to your baby.
Here is sweet thing enjoying a lazy morning in mama's bed...


Frances Katrin said...

this is my favorite baby schrades post !!

Anonymous said...

We are big believers in swaddling! Finn was swaddled most of the time in those early weeks! It definitely made his feel more secure. Also - when I would nurse him in bed in the middle of the night I'd sometimes fall asleep. I'd always wake up in a panic thinking I'd smothered or crushed him! It was never very serene. :) Then again, we'd take a nap in my bed after Will left for work, with more room to sprawl, and less room for smothering, it was very nice!

Holly said...

She's sooo adorable!!
Even Tyler who is such an easygoing guy slept in our room in the baby swing for the first part of every night until he was 4 months old- and slept the rest of each night in my arms! It is just so much easier to have the baby near you (or on you!) when you are nursing through the night... and they are so cudly when they are itty bitty.

Anonymous said...

Swaddling is your friend. Mia was swaddled until 7+ months. She slept so soundly that way. Even for naps. Not sure what you are using to swaddle her but the Miracle blanket, Kidappomus & swaddle me are all great. I have a bunch if you want to try any out.
~ Erica