Monday, November 10, 2008

Our first real outing since Ellen

After 3 weeks of being cooped up in the house, we decided to take advantage of the great weather on Sunday and go for a walk/hike at Umstead Park. It was such a successful outing. It felt like pre-Ellen since she just slept the entire time we were gone. We all enjoyed ourselves...


Jennifer said...

We did the same thing on Sunday! We took Tyrus to the Choo Choo Park and after I fed Mary in the car she slept the whole time too. I loved having the whole family together somewhere other then the house.

Sean and Rachel Kerrigan said...

I didn't even realize that Ellen had been born! You and Hilary had your babies really close together huh! Ellen looks wonderful. CONGRATULATIONS, we are thrilled for you guys.

Sarah said...

hey shanna, don't know if you remember me, we "met" through ali, he used to work for ibm. i read your blog whenever i get a chance and can't believe how big and absolutely more precious Lucas has become. And Ellen is beautiful. The four of you make a wonderful family. Lucky you, she's such a good baby, here's hoping she stays that way! Have fun with her... you know how it is they get big so fast, I can't believe my little girl is already 6 months!