Monday, November 03, 2008

You've got to be kidding...

That is what I said when Lucas walked up to me as I was nursing Ellen and threw up all over my feet. At Ellen's first appointment they told us that we should be paranoid about her getting sick before she was two months old. He said if she got even a low fever she'd have to be treated for meningitis, which includes a spinal tap. I've been careful about visitors and was careful to keep her covered and not let anyone near her on Halloween night. I know that we can't keep her as sheltered as we did Lucas because of Lucas being in school and out and about, but I was just thinking how him still nursing was beneficial since he hasn't been sick since April. So when he woke up with a fever I kind of freaked... and when he threw up right by her head I really freaked! It's okay though... sweet Lucas is feeling much better and so far Ellen has been affected.


1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

I've never heard a pediciatrician say you aren't allowed to get your baby sick the first two months.... What happens if you get sick? She'd have to get sick, right? Then you make her better too, with your magic milk power. I'm so confused. Call me if you ever need a Pedicatrian referral. We love ours. He doesn't even push vitamins. :)