Friday, October 31, 2008


We had a really fun Halloween. Long story short, Lucas wanted to be Elmo but then would have nothing to do with the costume at the store. We thought this spider costume would be nice because there was no mask or anything over his face. My mom helped me make it the night before Halloween. When we tried to put it on Lucas he flipped out and wanted nothing to do with it. I was worried that he'd feel embarrassed at school the next day because he didn't like his costume. I told his teacher that I had faith in her that she could get him to wear it. When I picked him up that afternoon she told me that he got upset when she made him take it off for nap. Yay!
On the way home from school Lucas told us all about his Halloween party at school and what all of his friends' costumes were at their Halloween party. When we got home we bundled up Ellen and headed out to a neighborhood parade with our friends Lucas E. and his parents. After the parade we went to a party where we all had a great time. Finally we headed home for trick-or-treating. We hit about 5 houses and then called it a night because it was cold, late and we were all exhausted.

Lucas B. with Lucas E.

Our new family...

Grandma with Spider Lucas


Meg Boyd said...

Lucas was a such a cute spider!

Frances Katrin said...

Katrin also refused to try on her costume at home before school. I wasn't even sure if it would fit her. But at school.... MAGIC.... all the children fall right into place. Katrin couldn't wait to put it on that night and go out asking for candy.

Thank you, Xenia!