Friday, October 03, 2008

Lucas's School

Little Lucas has been in school for 5 months now and has settled into a very nice routine. I spent many moments worrying about this transition and wondering if we were doing the right thing by sending him to a Montessori school at only 2 years old, but now I'm confident that everything is the way it should be. His two teachers are a married couple, the setting is in their home (they built on and added a section for the school activities), and their son is a student. Besides Lucas, there are 8 other students. The small # of students combined with the family run school in a home setting makes it feel like they are a little family. I can tell that Lucas loves his teachers and his classmates.
Once a quarter his teachers host a parent/child night where the parents get to come in to the classroom for an hour so that the child can show them what they have been working on. Our night was last week at 5pm. I was sure that it would be too long of a day for Lucas and that he wouldn't be that into it, but he proved me wrong once again. He was SO PROUD to show us what he does all day. Seriously, he was beaming.
First he decided that he wanted to do some mat work, so he unrolled his mat...

Then he chose his work...

And then he showed us how he does this particular work...

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