Monday, October 27, 2008

Our first day alone with two kids...

I was kind of nervous when Sandy left us early on Saturday morning. I am still recovering and can't play with Lucas like I'd like to and we can't go on many outings yet because we're still not sure exactly when Ellen will want to eat. Still, I had a plan that as soon as Ellen nursed Lucas and I would have a mini adventure. I was going to take him to get a bagel at our favorite coffee shop, then we were going to see the chickens that are fenced in nearby and THEN we were going to visit the fire station. When I told Lucas this he said, "No mama, do water work please." Okay, well that's a lot easier! So we had a fun morning of playing in the sink and then doing puzzles and other fun things in the playroom while Dada hung out with Ellen. It was actually kind of nice to see that we could survive without Sasa... for one day at least. I was dumb and skipped my nap that day, so I was sore and exhausted by the time Sunday morning rolled around (my fault).

LB outside our fav coffee shop last week...

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