Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Something is going on...

I'm pretty sure that labor is starting. Not hard labor, of course, but I'm having a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions and feel like she is sitting lower this morning. Yesterday around 3:30 I went to the grocery store and noticed that my belly was really hard almost constantly. When I got home I started writing down when these painless contractions started and saw a trend of about every 10 min. They didn't last that long and were irregular, but it was interesting. They stopped happening that frequently around dinner time, but I had to get up to use bathroom every 2 hours last night and my belly was hard each time I got up. This morning like she's a little heavier and lower, so it seems like those contractions pushed her down a little... ? I think this kind of stuff could go on for several days, so nothing to get too excited about. I am excited, however, that this may be a more textbook labor, although that could change at any moment. With Lucas I had absolutely no signs of labor until my water broke. At that point I knew that he would be born in about 24 hours. These practice contractions are kind of confusing because I feel like the baby could be born today, but she also may hang on until next week... but if it happens slowly then maybe it will be an easier labor than with Lucas.

Oh yeah, there is a full moon tonight! My friend across the street that will stay with Lucas if we leave in the middle of the night was so nice to call last night and ask if anything was going on because she knew there was a full moon this week : )

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