Saturday, October 18, 2008

Early First Stage of Labor!

The steak tacos worked! I'm trying not to get too excited, but I had contractions start at 5:24 this morning and they have consistently been between 6-10 minutes apart until now (10:30). My Bradley book says that adrenalin can cause labor to stop, so we're just trying to go about our day and just keep an eye on how far apart they are. This is so much nicer than what happened with Lucas. First of all, I don't think I have back labor. With Lucas it was constant pain from about 6am to 2am, even when there were no contractions (because he was sitting on my back somehow). With this labor, so far, the contractions last about 30-45 seconds and then I can't even tell there is anything going on. Jeff, Lucas and I took Tyson on a long walk... it is a nice, cool fall day here, so it was perfect. I've just now had to start concentrating on my breathing (breathing into my toes like we learned in class), but until now I've been able to keep talking and walking through the contractions. I had some toast with PB for breakfast and just had some broth from the lentil soup that Sandy made. Lucas is getting restless, so I think we're about to go to the park. I really don't expect to go to the hospital, or even call them, for a few more hours. So far this labor is very textbook and I feel great! Will keep you posted...

Oh yeah, I wanted to describe the feeling so that I can remember it. The contraction starts with a very slight pain in my lower back and kind of reaches around my belly while my belly contracts (gets harder). They seem to peak at about 20 seconds and gradually fade away. They are not painful yet, but just starting to get a little uncomfortable.


Anonymous said...

I just checked your blog for the first time since Thursday - was SURE we were going to see some baby pics! Good luck today & hang in there!!

Kristen said...

You dedicated blogger you! I'm so happy for you!! Baby girl is on her way and it sounds like you are doing everything right! Remember... down and out with the breathing and one contraction at a time (a little Bradley for you)!

Anonymous said...

Go Shanna! Today's the day I picked on your baby poll:-) We're thinking about you. Can't wait to hear the good news!

Brittain... said...

Yea! Keep us posted !!!