Friday, October 10, 2008

39 Weeks

I am 39wks today, or yesterday. I have her due on 10/17 and my doctor has 10/16. Either way, she is due in about a week. I'm very surprised that she isn't here yet since my water broke with Lucas 6 days before his due date. I would have bet money that she was going to be at least 10 days early! Oh well, no rush, I'm enjoying this extra time to nest a little more and spend time with Jeff, Lucas and Tyson. The doctor says that the baby looks like she's in a good position and her heart rate is normal. I feel great except for the achyness that I feel when I get up in the morning and at the end of the day. I am carrying her SO low, and have been the entire time, so her head has probably made an indention in my pubic bone. So it hurts in my lower belly and it hurts at the top of my legs because I'm constantly getting up and down with Lucas related activities. Other than than, I feel really great. Thank goodness for cooler weather though.

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