Saturday, August 29, 2009
First Steps!
Birthday Party
Lucas was eating his cake when I sat next to him with my piece. He started to eat mine, so moved my plate a little. He said, "Mommy, you have to share with me." in a matter-of-fact tone. So of course I did... little fatty.
Charles was a little shy, but Wendy was as pretty as every : )
Friday, August 28, 2009
Science Museum
We finally called it a day when I couldn't find anything better than the cafe to impress him. We'll try again when it's a little cooler (yes, I'm blaming his lack of interest in science on the heat).
The Lucas Tower

Ellen and Her Boys
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lucas: "No Ahllen, this is my work."
Ellen: continues to poke around at his stuff
Lucas: "No!" as he gently pushes her away and she falls back on her bottom.
Ellen: A look as if she is going to cry, that quickly changes to determination as she reaches out her entire hand, grabs a fist full of the skin on his leg, and pinches him with what seemed like intent to harm!
Lucas: "owwwww!"
I didn't think a 3 year old and a 10 month old could have a fight, but I guess I was wrong...
Hello Parks...
Lucas had fun with this little kid... his name was Cole.
And the Lady played in the sand for almost 2 hours!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Where did these silly kids come from?
And then there are these two turkeys. I asked them to touch their ears so that I could get a picture... this is what they thought I meant:
This is what I actually meant...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Her favorite thing to do these days...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lucas - LB, The Kid, Lucas Bryant, L to the B
Jeff - Sweetie, JB, Jeffrey B, Sir P
Shanna - Sweetie, Shannanana, Madam P
Tyson - TT, Punkin
Cars - The Ta, The 2 Tone
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Swimming Lucas
And here he is swimming to me...
With his head under the water...
Oh, and what pool day would be complete without an ice cream treat?
But their mommies were close by, so they aren't to blame. Notice Ellen trying to make friends with Caroline. After these pictures there was a piece of pizza that Ellen had been chewing on near Caroline's mouth. Ellen was trying to make friends by sharing her pizza : )
Later this afternoon when our other friends had already gone home, Lucas and Lucas made up a game where they'd put a towel over their heads and have us jerk it off. They were laughing so hard. Such silly boys. Lucas has so much fun with his friends!
Have you ever seen a cuter little white, skinny girl?
Daddy was even able to join us this day (which Lucas loved).
And here is the lady bird in her float...
Friday, August 21, 2009
A girl that LOVES the playground now...
Even when she is horizontal...
And a girl that likes to stand swing, like her brother, with her long, white legs!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
One of our first serious conversations...
We were getting ready to go the pool and Max's new kindergarten teacher called to meet him. Lucas witnessed this and seemed interested. Now fast forward to an hour later at the pool...
Shanna: "Max, are you going to start a new school soon?"
Max: "yeah!"
Lucas: "My school has Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai!"
Shanna: "Lucas, you're right that Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai are at your school now. But just like Max, you are going to start a new school soon too. There will be new friends there, a new playground and a new teacher."
Lucas: no response, just thinking
Shanna: "Your new teacher will be named Ms. Rosemary." Pause. "How does this make you feel?"
Lucas: "Ummm, happy!... Max, watch me go under the water!"
So I don't think he gets it, but at least it may all come together next week. I had basically the same conversation with him last night during his bath. When I told him that he wouldn't see Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai every day, but that he could still visit them he said, "Why can't I see them every day?" I told him that mommy is able to pick him up after lunch now and that we have to go to a school where all of the children's mommies' pick them up after lunch.
I'm going to make him a photo album of his teachers and friends and give it to him next week. Any other suggestions for transitions like these?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Afternoon at LB's House
Monday, August 17, 2009
Co-Sleeping with a Twist
When she isn't smiling...
Things the kid is saying...
"Shera mit keek" - what he said one day when I asked him the name of one of the characters in his made up game. He makes up a lot of words lately and then dies laughing at how funny he thinks he is.
"Trees on my head." - similar to the line above, he is really into being silly. I was playing with him and told him that I like to wear a silly hat on my head and he responded by saying that he likes to wear trees on his head... and then the t.v., flowers, ellen, etc... naming all of the things that he could see. After each one liner he would open his mouth wide, let out a laugh and throw his head back to make his laugh look even bigger. I would do the same thing. Now we do it every day and he loves it.
"I not growed up. I still small, see?" - This one kind of breaks your heart a little bit every time he says it. We remind him that he's a big boy sometimes and last week he responded with this comment as he put his hand up to his head to show us how small he still is.
"We saw the microphone. M-m-microphone." - He probably didn't say it this clearly, but this is what I heard coming from the back seat after school a couple of weeks ago. He and Ellen were back there and I'd just picked him up from school. I responded by asking him if that is what he worked on at school that day. He firmly replied, "Mommy, I talking to Ahllen!" Ha! Since then that has happened a few more times. They are already forming their own little relationship and telling us to mind our own business! Ellen loves it, of course. We hear giggles coming from her all the time as he talks to her (and throws stuffed animals at her).
"I want to watch the TVD." - he calls the tv this even if it is on the normal channel. I remember that Kristen told me that she was sad when Sophie stopped calling the cream cheese the cheese butter. I didn't correct him when he said this because I like it that there is still a little baby left in him that gets words wrong.
"I'm not in timeout, I'm just sitting here." - little stinker always has to get the last word. He has never sat in timeout for us, but recently did it. We were on the porch and he was playing with the water hose. I don't even remember what he did, but I told him that he needed to sit on the rocking chair for a few minutes to calm down and think about it. He wouldn't have done it, but I had leverage because I turned off the hose and took off the nozzle so that he couldn't turn it back on. So after a few minutes he pranced over and sat in the rocking chair. I tried to act casual and not show how I surprised I was that he actually did it. And then I hear, "I not in timeout Mommy... I just sitting here." Oh well, we made a little progress!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Busy, but having fun....
So I've been spending the afternoons with the kids for about 6wks now. It may have been the best decision that Jeff and I have ever made! I absolutely love it and can tell that Lucas loves it too. I think that our bond has grown stronger and I feel a better connection to him. The connection is important as it seems that 3yrs old is a frustrating age for children as they want to me more independent, but can't always express their needs clearly.
I feel busier than ever. My day starts when I log into my computer at 7am and work until noon. At noon I shut down the computer and leave to pick up LB from his Montessori school. I forgot to allow time for breakfast and lunch - oops! So I eat on the run. I take Ellen with me to get Lucas and we usually go on an outing from there. Outings include pool, park, friend's house, monkey Joe's jumping place, library, toy store, target, or grocery store. When we get home around 3pm Lucas has a snack and we rest for a little while on the couch while watching Curious George, Sesame Street or Noggin. We then play upstairs or outside in the sprinkler until Jeff gets off work at 5 or 5:30. From there we play some more, work on dinner, eat dinner, bath, play and bedtime. It's a busy and exhausting day!
The focus of entertainment is on Lucas, but Ellen tags along and is learning and growing so quickly. She wants to keep up with him and is constantly trying to get into his business. Her laid back personality is changing a bit as she gets older. She is always on the go, exploring and getting into things. She has a little temper now and gets MAD if you take something away from her or change her direction (like when she goes up the stairs).
Jeff and I think it's important to exercise and eat well for our sake and for the sake of teaching the kids. We have a workout schedule that allows us to both workout several times a week. It changes as opportunities change, but for now this is what is working for us: Shanna - Tues morning 6am swim, Wed night weights, Thurs morning 6am spin, Friday 30 min run, and Sat or Sun short run. Jeff - Monday lunch, Tues night group bike ride, Thurs swim class, Sat morning group run. We are constantly comparing schedules and who gets to do what when. We try to sit down and eat as a family each night, but sometimes if our workouts interfere then Lucas and Ellen eat sooner and we eat later. I feel strong and confident when I work out. I feel opposite of that when I don't!
Tyson needs more attention. Poor guy.
We have an awesome nanny. Her name is Karen and she is like an extension to our family. She is here every morning and is super helpful when Ellen is sleeping. She is awesome, awesome, awesome and makes my life easier.
Montessori School Friends
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Daredevil 1
This may look like he fell, but it was an intentional "stunt"... such a spaz.