Saturday, August 22, 2009

Swimming Lucas

When we were in Florida in July, Lucas started swimming. One of the positives to his intense little personality is that he isn't afraid. He had been swimming with his life vest on for 2 months prior, but had been keeping an eye on the bigger kids that were not wearing one. He got to the point where he'd jump into the water with his vest on and then stick his face in the water because that he what he saw the other kids doing (swimming with heads in water). My parent's pool had a shallow end where his feet could touch the ground, so he took off his vest and started experimenting (mostly on his own will). After a few tries he realized that if he lifted his feet off the floor that he could move his arms and cover some distance... and he was swimming. Now he likes to jump into the deep water (only 4ft) and swim to the wall or ladder.
Here is the turkey jumping in (usually doesn't wear goggles).

And here he is swimming to me...

With his head under the water...

Oh, and what pool day would be complete without an ice cream treat?

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

Ohhh, Lucas needs to teach Katrin how to swim. Or just get her ears wet would be nice. Before the swimming season is over, we need to get our kids (plural for both of us!) in the pool together.