Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One of our first serious conversations...

Lucas's last day at his first school, Stone Montessori, is 8/31. And then he starts a nearby church pre-school on 9/9. He doesn't know it yet and I've been wondering how to tell him. I want to make sure there is closure with his current teachers and friends (although we hope to see them often for play dates). He meets his new teacher, Mrs. Rosemary, next Tuesday and I wanted to make sure that we told him before this (obviously). Yesterday at Max and Ben's house I saw an opportunity...

We were getting ready to go the pool and Max's new kindergarten teacher called to meet him. Lucas witnessed this and seemed interested. Now fast forward to an hour later at the pool...

Shanna: "Max, are you going to start a new school soon?"
Max: "yeah!"
Lucas: "My school has Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai!"
Shanna: "Lucas, you're right that Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai are at your school now. But just like Max, you are going to start a new school soon too. There will be new friends there, a new playground and a new teacher."
Lucas: no response, just thinking
Shanna: "Your new teacher will be named Ms. Rosemary." Pause. "How does this make you feel?"
Lucas: "Ummm, happy!... Max, watch me go under the water!"

So I don't think he gets it, but at least it may all come together next week. I had basically the same conversation with him last night during his bath. When I told him that he wouldn't see Ms. Xenia, Mr. Len and Nicholai every day, but that he could still visit them he said, "Why can't I see them every day?" I told him that mommy is able to pick him up after lunch now and that we have to go to a school where all of the children's mommies' pick them up after lunch.

I'm going to make him a photo album of his teachers and friends and give it to him next week. Any other suggestions for transitions like these?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Sounds like you are already (and always) doing all the right things for your kids :). I think YOU are a super mom! Can we plan to get together Mon. or Thurs. afternoon or Wed. after 2:30pm next week?